Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Family Guy Review: Stewie goes for a Drive

Peter and Louis came out of the clinic. Peter talks about his experience of getting a shot like he hasn't got one before. he said he had the best time. I'm like "Ok." This is awkward one of the part I heard was he was at the clinic waiting for the doctor. Peter acting all scared by this lady. This man pull up towards Peter and Louis to ask for directions. Louis to ask for directions. Louis like "oh my god you're Brian Runnels!" He's like Yeah!  he says he's trying to get to Newport, but got turned around. Louis gave him the right directions on how to get to Newport. Brian like "what happen to your arm?" Peter told his he had a shot. Brian R. thought he was in his 20's. Peter introduced himself. Brian R. likes him but didn't care for Louis. Peter like "It's way better than when he met Shelly what her name." All she did was say "Hi, I'm Shelly it's so nice to meet you." Peter like "Big Deal!" He was upset because he thought Shelly came up to him the wrong way. Louis tells Peter to let it go.

      Brian went to the baby sitters to pick up the Stewie. Stewie sits there and insults his playmate, because his name is Gavin. That's stupid. Him and Brian got in the car. Stewie listens to his favorite song. Brian pulls up at the House. Stewie wants to stay in the car and finish listening to the song. Brain like "Ok well don't take too long or you'll drain the battery." Stewie start singing until the song goes off. He's like "hmm, I should be on Glee." He accidentally hit the breaks, and the car started moving. Stewie puts it back to it's original spot. He felt surprised like he could actually drive. I was laughing my pants off. Now He has the idea of driving pass his ex girlfriends house. now he's doing too much.

      Peter sits up in the living room Watching TV as usual. He sees a dog. "Hey Louis, I saw a dog and it looks like he's got a boner." I did not know what he was talking about. Boner? Louis tells Peter to leave the dog alone, but you know Peter is always so stubborn. Therefore he went outside to bother anyway. He goes outside yelling at the dog and he sees Brian Runnels. Peter like "What are you doing over at Cleveland's House?" Brian R. claim "Well I'm doing a movie of Hitler aka Hotler because he had a rocking body. I'm like "Good luck with that!" I don't know why . So anyway, he invited Peter to the House Warming Party. Peter like "That great! Beats what's going on in my House. It went back to Louis invited him to a book club and he snap his neck.

      Meanwhile in the kitchen Brian (the Dog) playing on his Laptop writing a novel. Stewie sneaks in grab the keys and sneaks out the back door. I'm Thinking "OMG, this baby is going to drive the car. He ran to the car with Rubert (his teddy bear). They got in the car, Now Stewie getting all excited talking about he going to drive the car. I can't believe he really going to do it. Stewie gets in the driver seat, puts the key in the ignition, and pulls up knock down the Mail Box. Stewie is actually driving the car, Now he wants to turn on the radio. Once he turns it on, There's an ad on the radio where you be the lucky caller to win Justin Biebers tickets. Stewie dials the number while he's DRIVING. and hands it over to Rubert. Next thing you know, he drives the car into the pole. Now Stewie worries like heck wondering what is Brian is going to do. Stewie drives a broken car back to the house still panicking. he's thinking about painting over the dent. Not going to work.

      Peter and Louis goes to Brian R. house warming party. Brian didn't really like Perter's wife.for some reason. Louis just walk in looking for some booze. Him and Peter thought she was weird. Ok..........they started talking about a tickle fight. Peter tickle Brian. All of a sudden, Brian ask him to hang out Thursday night. Peter accepts the invitation, and tickles him again. 

      Stewie was sitting there like nothing happen watching a sci-fy movie like nothing happens. Brian yells for Stewie. It's not looking good, he sounds PO'd when he found out about his car. Stewie come out. Brian yell "what happened?" Stewie siting there stalling, and he tells Brian that it was just that spot right there. However, Brian wasn't trying to hear that. Brian went to the back seat, took out the teddy bear, Showing Stewie that he got caught. Brian like "I can't believe you been driving my car. You could have gotten killed. dah dah dah dah dah. Brian was going to tell Stewie's Parents. Stewie became upset and said "NO DON"T TELL THEM, I"LL BE IN TROUBLE. Then he started crying hysterically. Brian was like well, you got to accept whats coming to you. What did I tell you?

      Peter and Brian R. at the restaraunt called Le Marrakesh. Peter was not too fond about the food there. One day he ate the Mexican food with the family, and all off sudden he farts and the crazy Spanish guy came out shooting. Brian started asking Peter how his Pants fit. Peter's Like "it fits good." Brian mention the mail man talking smack about Peter, then he tries this lamb sheen and tries to give it to Peter. Brian shoves the meat in his mouth and Peter coughs it out. he then wipe his mouth and drops his napkin. He gets the napkin, then Brian moves forward to his face. Peter ran out to the washroom. Suddenly He fart the crazy guy out again.

      Back at the house, Stewie started worrying and Pasting around the room. He want to run out the window, so he began to jump out the window, Next thing you know, it started raining, and Stewie got stabbed by some random guy. He was gone, but yet he left the note on the computer.

      Peter Talks to Louis about Brian R. He tells Louis through he was crazy. She replies "How a men dressed himself and groom well and lift weights thinking about you." Peter claims that he was going to let him down easily.

      Meanwhile, Stewie was suppose to be on the airport, but yet he ended up in a dangerous neighborhood. He hears all the shooting he ran for his life, and end up bumping in to Consuala. The family's former maid. She thought Stewie was a lost baby and took him home with her.

      Back to Peter and Brian. Peter went to Brian house to confront Brian R. Peter tell Brain he don't like him like that. Brian on the other hand felt offended and, explain his feeling for Peter. However He stated that he would never feel for someone who uses "gay and straight." He asked Peter to leave, but Peter steady begging him for another chance. Brian wasn't having that. Plus he gave him a cell phone. A cell phone?! 

      Anyway in Consuala's House, Stewie was given a bath, and already he complaining. I'm thinking "why run away from home? why not just face the consequences?" Here is the funny part: Stewie found a chicken leg in his bath tub let along some rotten onions. Consuala claims that she was making a soup. I'm like "In a tub?!........WHY? Next thing you know, someone walks in saying that the dog is here! Oh, he met Brian the dog! Ok he must be looking for Stewie. Consuala meets Brian. He ask if Stewie was there. She lied saying no. Stewie just came out. Stewie saw Brian and like "How did you find me?" Brian says he'd followed his nose, and tell Stewie to come home. Stewie says "NO no' I'll get in trouble!" Brian says that he didn't tell the parents and realized that it was his fault for leaving him all alone in the car in the first place. Stewie felt better and wanted to go back. Consuala on the other hand disagrees and grabs Stewie and yells "MY BABY!" like she's so determined to keep him. Brian takes Stewie, and say "were leaving." She said "No! My baby!" this dude showing his gun like he's all big and bad, telling Brian to leave. Consuala calls Stewie "Ernesto?!" Stewie got tired of the fighting, so he Grabs the gun and shoots all over the place. he left with Brian. Everybody got frozen in that house.

      Back in the house, Peter looks at the house to see if Brian R. was there. Louis says "he's gone. he finished his movie and moved out." Peter couldn't except it. So that's the end of that.

The best thing about this episode was Brian and Stewie, because of the fact that they always rock the show with Adventures and musical. Brian is the best sidekick for Peter. Brian got the brain and Peter got the brawns. this was a good episode excluding the part with Peter and Brain R. Peter's Heart belongs to Louis, even if he doesn't act like it. he may act like a jerk, but he's a good husband and father.

The End


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